![]() 05/01/2017 at 18:46 • Filed to: cannonball, radar detector, radar, speed limits, help | ![]() | ![]() |
Since Oppo is the place to ask about dash cams and other fun car gizmos I want to ask about radar detectors. Do any of you use them? What are your thoughts? What models do you like? While I know they aren’t perfect I can’t imagine they don’t help with a little peace of mind when driving. I can read all the reviews Amazon and Google provides, but I figure you guys and gals would be better a source. So what do you guys use or like?
No, I don’t want it for blatant speeding and tomfoolery so out away your soapboxes and “speeding kills” posters.
But as with the first Cannonball run, quick can be safe as well as long as you aren’t bothering anyone. They made the run in a Ferrari Daytona in 35 hours and 54 minutes averaging somewhere around 80 mph if I remember correctly. Also if you haven’t read !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! ’s book !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! I highly suggest it. Any how, my point is a lot of the time the safe or prudent speed can be higher than the speed limit imposed by our over bearing government and with the way cops like to hide instead of being out in the open, which has been proven to slow speeders more than actual tickets, I would like a little heads up if it will help in order to focus more on driving than on watching the horizon.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 18:50 |
I can’t remember the details, but some Oppo got sent a really, really fancy radar detector to review and raved about it despite having previously hated them. You might try searching for that one. I think maybe the post was 2015 or early 2016.
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I believe the Gold standards are still the Valentine 1 and the Passport Escort 9xxx. I don’t run one but I know people who swear by both of these. The Passport is more modern compared to the Valentine 1.
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Every one I’ve ever used was basically useless. So many false alarms and you usually saw them before you were hit by them anyhow (plus it wouldn’t really help with you avoiding a ticket).
Dash cams are practical, though, and I really want a pair.
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I have a Valentine 1. It’s on the pricier side, but worth every penny. Haven’t gotten a ticket since I’ve owned it.
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I got a Passport Max like two weeks after I got my M3, I really like it. It’s saved me a couple times. Normally I just set the cruise at 8-9 over on the highway and forget it. There are times when you want to make sure you get around that one truck and want to open it up, I usually just check my detector to make sure it’s not picking up a signal.
I will say, I drive 70 miles a day in the 3 and don’t have a radar detector. I don’t think it’s a necessity, it’s nice to have though.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 18:57 |
Cool thanks
![]() 05/01/2017 at 19:19 |
Read Alex Roy’s recommendations.
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I have had an escort 9500ix for a few years now. At first it was very good, the gps allowed it to log false alarms, it was very effective. In the last 2 years the proliferation of cruise control radars has made it useless, it’s constantly chirping.
Valentine claims they have software that addresses this, i think escort claims their new models address this. I check their website occasionally but the theory is that the processors in my 9500ix lack the capacity for this upgrade. This thing was expensive as hell, i’m done with escort.
Debating a valentine, and at the moment i just use Waze. Most of the traps in CT nowadays are laser anyways, all the alarm does is allow you to smile for the nice officer.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 19:23 |
I really like my Valentine 1.
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I had one of the cheaper ($40) ones off of Amazon, that had tons of 5 star reviews. So yeah... It did pick up cops... But after a year I gave it to a friend. I can’t think of a single situation where it helped me more than just scanning the horizon would have. Plus, with all the new tech being put in cars the detectors are going off constantly. That’s only going to get worse. Unless you’re willing to drop thousands for the latest and greatest all you really get is a false sense of security.
I speed a lot, but also keep my eyes open and pay attention to my surroundings. If anything, buy a cheap one and see how you like it for a month.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 21:38 |
My strategy, after some research, was: get a V1, and set it up following advice from this blogger, who does pretty impressive research across brands. I’ve been pleased with mine. Falses are minimal for me (damn Volvos).
![]() 05/01/2017 at 22:18 |
I’ve had friends with about every brand made. I’ve owned Beltronics, Escort, Cobra, Uniden, and Whistler. Of the cheaper detectors the Whistler has been best bang for the buck. For whatever time period I had it back years ago the Beltronics was the best pre-laser unit. I even had a battery powered Fuzz-buster back in the 70s. Haven’t had a ticket since 80's and none while using any detector, common sense helps too. Most any detector along with using Waze makes an awesome combination if you don’t get too crazy. The one time both let me down was only about 4 yrs ago in PA and the state patrolman must have been asleep when I passed him at a very good clip. If you are in the market for a detector look at many reviews and tests to base your purchase. Know one person with a jammer. Not sure of where those are legal, but he says it seems to work well.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 22:42 |
I’ve had about 9 over the years since the 70s. Look at these reviews. I’ve had most brands except Valentine 1. Right now I have on of the higher priced Whistler from a year ago, which is still good bang for the buck. If I still traveled highway a lot I’d get a Passport model again. Use Waze phone app properly with whatever you buy and you should be pretty safe. I’ve considered getting a seperate GPS unit that detects red light and speed cameras since my detector lacks that feature and Waze only seems to notify me on some of those. I’ve been 3 decades without a ticket and I’d attribute that to common sense along with a decent detector. I just use it when travelling not during my daily drive.
![]() 05/01/2017 at 23:20 |
I used to have and use radar detectors, but haven’t for several years now. I am almost always above the posted limit and recently completed a 1200+ mile at speeds generally over 80 in much slower zones, all without one. As others have stated, with the radar activated cruise control systems, lane warning systems, and all of that there are more and more false alarm sources these days. I’m no longer a believer in them, since laser only gets you a warning when it’s too late.
Best bet for moving fast is to be paying attention to your surroundings, including the behavior of the other drivers on teh road, since their reaction to a cop in their midst is the best telltale of speed traps.
![]() 05/02/2017 at 11:58 |
Yeah, I am pretty good about paying attention to my surroundings, just wanted everyone’s thoughts on radar devices.